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Total Anthocyanins

Sale price$50.00

Sample Type: Juice, Must, & Wine

Units: mg/L (ppm)

Sample Volume: 50 mLs

Methodology: UV-VIS Spectroscopy - WINEXRAY

Total Anthocyanins (tANT) accounts for both free and bound anthocyanins in wine and is traditionally measured at pH 1.8 when the flavylium cation is fully pigmented. At wine pH (pH 3-4) the human eye can only see about 10-30% of the free anthocyanins, but bound anthocyanins notably more resistant to this effect. 

From their peak extraction, Total Anthocyanins will decrease approximately 60-80% within the first 100 days post crush. This is in part due to their unstable nature in warm conditions that occur during this period (WINEXRAY). Overall, total anthocyanins measurement is fundamental for understanding cold soak efficiency, extraction efficiency, and the color potential of a vintage.

To learn more about Total Anthocyanins and their importance in winemaking, become a Bound member.

References: Colantuoni, G., McLeod, S. WINEXRAY LLC.


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