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Protein-Precipitable Tannins

Sale price$50.00

Sample Type: Juice, Must, & Wine

Units: mg/L (ppm)

Sample Volume: 50 mLs

Methodology: UV-VIS Spectroscopy - WINEXRAY

Protein-precipitable tannins (pTAN) react with saliva and are responsible for structure. Unlike free anthocyanins, they are very persistent and their mouthfeel can be shaped like clay using different enological controls. 

The Adams-Harbertson Assay was designed to mimic human sensory by using Bovine Serum Albumin to precipitate grape-derived condensed tannins. It’s important to note that this assay does not measure hydrolyzable oak tannins despite their astringent properties. Nevertheless, the vast majority of tannins in wine are from grape skins, seeds, and stems. They vary in concentration, size, composition, and polarity, all of which impact the resulting structure, astringency, and texture of the wine.

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