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L-Lactic Acid

Sale price$15.00

Sample Type: Juice, Must, & Wine

Units: g/L

Sample Volume: 50 mLs

Methodology: FTIR Spectroscopy

L-Lactic acid is a sourish but tart organic acid that is becoming increasingly relevant for winemakers in the context of climate change (Amerine et al. 1965). While lactic acid is generally associated with biological deacidification during MLF, yeasts like Lachancea thermotolerans are becoming increasingly common to acidify musts by converting glucose and fructose to lactic acid before fermentation (Vicente et al., 2021). 

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Vicente, J., Navascués, E., Calderón, F., Santos, A., Marquina, D., & Benito, S. (2021). An Integrative View of the Role of Lachancea thermotolerans in Wine Technology. Foods, 10(11), 2878.


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