RM Sample product
Shipping Samples
Please ship your samples to 224 Anacapa Street #2C Santa Barbara CA 93101. Prepare your samples accordingly before shipping them in the mail.
To ensure their stability, we ask our clients either freeze or boil their juice / fermenting wine samples before shipment. Please note that boiling or freezing your samples may influence your results and we cannot guarantee their validity. Please contact Bound with any additional questions about sample preparation before shipment. We recommend expedited same-day to one-day shipping with a tracking number included.
Samples can be placed in a freezer 24-hours in advance and shipped with an ice pack. Do not over-fill the polypropylene tubes or use glass containers as the frozen liquid will expand and could pose a safety concern. Freezing samples is a better alternative to boiling when analyzing compounds like ethanol, volatile acidity, free sulfur, and phenolics. Label each sample as "FROZEN".
Samples can be boiled in their 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubes with a loosely fitted cap on top. Polypropylene tubes can be boiled up to 10 minutes, but be sure not to over boil as exposure to high temperatures can change your results. Label each sample as "BOILED".
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